Come on spit it out already

Multi-Ethnic Group of People and Community Concepts

This one is in English so please bear with me.

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, depending on your perspective, i do not often find myself writing here anymore. So why today?

This ball started rolling on monday when my political colleague Stefan Kärvling wrote a blog with the title ”Vänersborgs kommundirektör utsatt för rasism” . It was about an incident that our council chief executive had chosen to write about on his blog. He chose the title Plötsligt var jag bara en neger . I´ve met the guy through my role on the executive board of the council, cannot say that I know him but I can say that I like him. I read his words and felt that must have been a sad thing to have experienced. On monday I left it at that. On tuesday I read Stefan Kärvlings next blog Dåligt bemötande i Vänersborg? which was about a question that the leader of the opposition Gunnar Lidell was posing to the leader of the council Marie Dahlin to be answered at wednesdays full council meeting. His question was about whether or not there was any sort of framework and guidelines that could help deal with politicians that behaved inconsiderately. Suddenly the latent journalist in me woke up. I was being given pieces of a puzzle. My conclusion some politician in our council must have insulted our chief executive. Which party could that person represent? I am going to admit my first thoughts went to the Swedish Democrats.

Before the meeting our party of the left had a group meeting to run through the agenda. When we got to Gunnar Lidells question I asked if we had any background which explained why the question was being posed. I started to get an answer then someone else said that they felt that the explanation should not be given. So I was left none the wiser. Hmm! Later on the journalist in me made a point of finding out the background behind the question. The information also explained who was behind one of the occasions when our council chief executive has been belittled because of his darker skin pigmentation.

The person behind the derogatory term?

The person behind the term is the leader of our council – Marie Dahlin

If this person is same unnamed person that is referred to by Gunnar Lidell in his latest question I can honestly say I do not know, but I certainly hope that someone will spit out already the name of that politician. Politicians who carry themselves in these ways do not deserve to be representatives of our communities.




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